Membership Policy Manual

Table of Contents

A. Introduction
B. Green Fees
     1. Rates
     2. Inclement Weather / Rain Checks
C. Membership Categories & Playing Privileges
     1. Club Fees (Golf Canada Handicap System / BC Golf)
     2. Member Medical Credit Policy
     3. Member Charge Account privileges
D. Booking Policies
E. Tee-Times, Block Bookings & Leagues
     1. Tee-Time Cancellation Policy
     2. Member On-Line Reservation System
F. General Golfing Policies
     1. Peak Season
     2. Pace of Play
     3. Fivesome Policy
     4. Dress Code
     5. Frost Delay Procedure
     6. Errant Shots (Property Damage)
     7. Power Carts
     8. Care of the Golf Course
     9. Hole-in-one
     10. Course Play
     11. Use of Cell Phones
     12. Music on the Golf Course
     13. Handicap Service and Competition
G. General Clubhouse & On-Course Policies
H. Enforcement & Discipline

A:  Introduction

As of May 2020, membership at the Shannon Lake Golf Club is restricted only to shareholders of Westside Country Club Estates. WCCE is the company that owns the golf course and there are only 284 shares that comprise the business with approximately 133 unique shareholders. (a few shareholders own multiple shares) Membership at the Shannon Lake Golf Club is most certainly an exclusive opportunity.

The existing non-shareholder members were grandfathered in 2020 with no new annual membership passes being offered going forward.  (Exception:  there are a limited number of junior and intermediate-29 memberships available annually to non-shareholders)

Shareholder golfing benefits extend to the shareholder and spouse and all shareholders have the flexibility of joining the club on an annual basis or choosing not to. Membership is not mandatory. Please note that shareholders who choose to sell their share will relinquish access to all membership categories at the club. 

Current highlights of shareholder ownership in Westside Country Club Estates include;

  • MANDATORY for membership at the Shannon Lake Golf Club
  • 15-day advance booking privilege
  • great value on annual membership fees
  • reduced green fee rates for shareholder non-members
  • reduced rates for guests
  • discounts in the golf shop
  • dividends paid out annually starting in 2019

This manual is intended to be an overall guide to the rules and decorum expectations when you are a shareholder / member of the golf course.  In addition, the manual is a great reference for general information pertaining to the golf course and membership. As for any specific rules infractions, each situation will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis with this document to be used as a helpful tool to guide the procedures.

B:  Green Fees


Green fee rates are set annually by the Board of Directors and management. Time of rate change is 2:00 pm in peak season (May 1 to Sept 15, inclusive) and 1:00 pm in shoulder season (before May 1 and after Sept 15). All green fee rates are subject to applicable taxes (GST). For 2025, green fee rates have been set at;

Description 18 – Peak 18 @ 2pm 9 – Peak 9 @ 2pm

Regular Rate $87 $70 $49 $39

Guest of member $69.5 $56 $40 $35

Shareholder non-member $60.75 $49 $38 $33


Shannon Lake Golf Course does not possess an inclement weather warning or detection system.  Golfers are advised that they play at their own risk and we are under no obligation to warn, retrieve, and/or remove anyone from the golf course due to inclement weather, including the potential for lightning.  The golf shop will blow a warning horn when there is an obvious safety concern.

Golfers may suspend their round at any time upon their own determination of the dangers of existing, impending, or threatened inclement weather and golfers may be eligible for a rain check.  Neither Westside Country Club Estates, its shareholders and directors, nor Shannon Lake Golf Course are responsible for injuries or damages from inclement weather.

Rain checks will be offered at the discretion of the golf shop for green fees and power cart rentals due to the following conditions;

  • lightning and/or severe rainfall
  • accumulation of water which makes the course unplayable
  • emergency accident or illness

Rain check policy is based on a pro-rated dollar credit towards green fees and/or cart rentals on a subsequent visit during the current golf season. The credit is calculated based on how may holes were NOT played relative to how many holes were paid for.

C:  Membership Categories & Playing Privileges

A tee-time booking is always required prior to the start of play. Special permission from the golf shop is needed to start from any tee other than hole #1 or hole #10 on Thursday through Sunday. (when we offer our BACK-9 SPECIAL)

Shareholder green fee rates will be offered to all members who choose to golf in a restricted play time or day based on their membership category.

Shareholder Members

  • Full Play members are offered unlimited play with no play restrictions.
    • 2025 Fees:  $1,899 (+ gst)
  • Restricted members are offered unlimited play after 12PM daily (restricted prior to 12PM)
    • 2025 Fees:  $1,499 (+ gst)

Grandfathered Members

  • Full Play members are offered unlimited play with no play restrictions.
    • 2025 Fees:  $2,729 (+ gst)

Age Specific Members (non-shareholders)

  • All age specific members are based on age as of Sept 1st in the current year
  • Intermediate-29 (29 & under) members are offered unlimited play Monday to Friday and are restricted to after 12:00 pm on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
    • this category is currently limited to 30 members annually
    • Play Golf Kelowna options (Intermediate 35 value card) are available when INT-29 members turn 30 years of age
    • 2025 Fees:  $1,299 (+ gst)
  • PGK Junior (18 & under) members are entitled to unlimited play after 12:00 pm daily.
    • PGK Junior members have full access to all the PGK local partner courses for play after 12:00 pm daily.
    • 2025 Fees:  $479 (+ gst)
  • Shannon Lake Junior (18 & under) members are entitled to unlimited play after 12:00 pm daily.
    • Shannon Lake Junior members only have access to the Shannon Lake Golf Club for play after 12:00 pm daily.
    • 2025 Fees:  $349 (+ gst)


All members of the golf course are required to be members of the Golf Canada Handicap System and BC Golf.  Shannon Lake manages this requirement by charging a “club fee” that every member is required to pay. This fund is used to pay all the mandatory golf association fees on an annual basis.  Whatever residual amount remains in the account is distributed to various member groups to assist in making club events and tournaments more enjoyable, primarily focusing on the club championship.  Please note there is an incident insurance program included with your Golf Canada membership that assists if an errant shot causes property damage.

    • 2025 Adult Fees:  $100 (+ gst)
    • 2025 Junior Fees:  $30 (+ gst)


A member MAY be entitled to a medical credit towards the following years membership fees and annual cart pass fees based on the following;

  • absence from golf is for a minimum of 30 days
  • absence from golf is 100% due to a verifiable medical condition
  • calculation of possible credit will be done on a case-by-case basis
    • average length of the golf season is 230 days
    • a pro-rated dollar amount will be calculated based on number of days absent
  • no cash refunds will be offered – the credit will be applied to the member (or spouse’s) dues in the following year
  • medical credit expires after one year and has no cash value


All members of the club have the option of setting up a charge account for miscellaneous purchases.  You are required to submit a credit card number which the club keeps on file to pay your monthly charges.

All members are able to access their account by logging into;

You will need to know your password to log into your account.

D:  Booking Policies

Our on-line tee sheet will open at 5PM daily for our shareholders and 6AM for all other golfing categories based on their advanced privilege. Phone-in and golf shop bookings will be available one hour later at 6PM or 7AM based on the advanced privilege.

If a shareholder books a tee-time with their 15-day privilege, a shareholder MUST play in the tee-time. The shareholder who made the original booking is responsible for the reservation unless the reservation was fully cancelled prior to play.

For 2025, advance on-line booking privileges are as follows;

  • Shareholders (members & non-members): 5PM – 15 days in advance
  • Non-shareholders & general public: 6AM – 10 days in advance
  • Juniors (restricted): 6AM – 2 days in advance

If a reservation does not have a full foursome of players, the golf shop reserves the right to fill in any open spots.

E:  Tee-Times, Block Bookings & Leagues

  • An appropriate number of tee-times prior to 11:30 am on Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat and prior to 10:30 am on Wed, Fri, Sun & Holidays will be protected 15-days in advance for member play.
  • Management will have access to a minimum of 5 tee-times within these protected times to use at their own discretion.
  • The 2024 block booking schedule is as follows;
    • Mondays: No Advanced Block Bookings
    • Tuesdays: Ladies Day – 7 tee-times starting at 8:00 am
    • Wednesdays: Senior Mixed – 10 tee-times starting at 8:00 am
    • Thursdays: Ladies Night – 12 9-hole tee-times starting at 4:30 pm
    • Fridays: No Advanced Block Bookings
    • Saturdays: Three “grandfathered” groups are rotated throughout the morning
      • Peak Season: Saturday of Victoria Day weekend to Saturday of Labour Day weekend, inclusive
      • 7:15 am, 8:45 am, and 10:33 am is the rotation in peak season
      • 8:00 am, 9:30 am, and 11:00 am is the rotation in shoulder season
      • Biccum Group receives:  6 tee-times peak / 4 tee-times shoulder
      • Basson/Dodd Group receives:  6 tee-times peak / 4 tee-times shoulder
      • Breakfast Club receives:  5 tee-times peak / 3 tee-times shoulder
    • Sundays: No Advanced Block Bookings
  • If a group does not have a full contingent of players, the golf shop reserves the right to fill in any open spots.
  • Protected tee times, block bookings and league play will be reviewed by the Board of Directors from time to time and the current template may be adjusted at a future date.


Cancellations and changes to tee-times should be done as far in advance of play as possible.  We appreciate emergencies can arise and will accept edits and cancellations right up to one half hour prior to your tee-time.  If no advance notice is received by the golf shop regarding changes to your tee-time, service fees may be imposed;

  • for complete no-shows, the credit card on file will be charged a service fee of $30 (+gst) times the number of golfers that were on the original reservation
  • if the number of players is less than what was originally booked, the golf shop reserves the right to charge a service fee of $30 (+gst) times the number of golfers that were short in the original reservation


Shannon Lake offers a robust online booking system.  Starting in 2024, there is only one portal to access our online tee sheets. You will login with a unique email address and password.

Your customer class will now determine your tee sheet view and the buddy system of picking your playing partners looks much more user friendly.  The link is found on the front page of our website on the “BOOK A TEE TIME” button!

Direct Link to Online Booking Site

  • log in with your e-mail and password
  • if you don’t know your account information, please call the golf shop
  • link can be found on the home page of our web-site by clicking the “BOOK A TEE TIME” button

Helpful Hints

  • you can view available tee-times prior to signing in
  • you must “SIGN IN” to make an actual tee-time reservation
  • we generally set up all users with an initial password of; golf
    • after signing into your account, you can change your password
  • please note that we have two “courses” set up on-line
    • Shannon Lake GC – regular 9-hole and 18-hole play starting on hole #1
    • Back 9 Special – early morning 9-hole play on Thur, Fri, Sat & Sun
  • There are various filters you can use to search for a tee-time
    • you can select which course to search
    • you can select date of play
    • you can set the time range you are searching
    • set the correct number of players you are searching for
      • if a single player, make sure you set to 1 player
    • set whether you are playing 9-holes or 18-holes
  • Please note the “Buddy Management” tool in the menu items
    • Before making a tee-time use “buddy management” to set the golfers you play with into your “buddy list”
    • Always use the Buddy Management tool to select additional players

F:  General Golf Policies

All members and guests are required to observe course etiquette at all times and respect fellow golfers’ right to enjoy their game.

Unruly behavior is unacceptable and any member or guest found to be in breach of any of our general golf policies may be asked to leave the facility.


The Peak Season for play restrictions and time of green fee rate changes is May 1 to Sept 4, inclusive.  The Peak Season for Saturday advanced block bookings is Victoria Day weekend to Labour Day weekend, inclusive. 


a. At the Shannon Lake Golf Club, all golfers are responsible for completing their round of golf in:

     i. 4 hours or less during the first 2 hours of play. (6:30 am to 8:30 am in peak season)

     ii. 4 hours and 10 minutes through the remainder of the day.

b. In consideration for all golfers during the entire day, all groups are requested to KEEP UP WITH THE GROUP AHEAD

c. With 9-minute tee-time intervals, pace of play should remain constant if each group finishes no more than 9-minutes after the group ahead.

d. Player’s Assistants are authorized to help with pace of play by using a number of tools which, depending on the situation, may include;

     i. a polite request to pick up the pace and close the gap

     ii. skip half a hole by playing from the 150-yard marker

     iii. skip an entire hole

     iv. removal from the golf course

e. Pace of Play will be monitored by the golf shop

     i. Morning play privileges for individuals and groups will be conditional based on adhering to our pace of play policy

     ii. Repeat offenders may be restricted to playing after 2:00pm for a period of time

f. Pace of Play Definitions:

     i. Start Time:  when the first player in the group strikes the first tee shot

     ii. Finish Time:  when the entire group clears the 18th green


The Shannon Lake Golf Club may allow fivesomes from time-to-time for various reasons on a case-by-case basis.  A strict set of guidelines must be adhered to for all golfers playing in a fivesome;

a. pace of play is of prime importance; group MUST keep up and play within our time par expectation

b. a fivesome must have a Shannon Lake member in the group and a player designated as the captain to deal with any pace of play issues

c. the golf shop (Head Professional or Golf Shop Manager) MUST authorize all fivesomes on the golf course

d. the Player’s Assistants’ decisions are final if the group has to be split up


Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests are properly dressed. The interpretation and/or any decision on dress regulations will be at the discretion of the Shannon Lake management team.  We encourage “proper golf attire” at all times.

a. Men and Boys: Tailored golf shirts are preferred. Shirts must always have sleeves. Tailored golf shorts and pants should be in good repair and tasteful in length.  Avoid athletic and bathing suit type shorts. Denim is not permitted in peak season.

b. Ladies and Girls: Tailored golf shirts with collars and sleeves are preferred. Bikini tops are not permitted. Skirts, skorts, yoga pants, and golf shorts should be in good repair and tasteful in length. Avoid athletic and bathing suit type shorts. Denim is not permitted in peak season.


The Shannon Lake Golf Club implemented a new frost delay procedure in the fall of 2020.  If frost delays the start of play on any given day, we will do the following;

a. All tee-times that have been impacted by the frost delay will be cancelled

b. Depending on turf care requirements, the cancelled tee-times will be given the opportunity to start play on the #4 tee and/or the #10 tee after the frost lifts

c. Play will start “on-time” off the #1 tee with the first tee-time being the time we are able to start play

d. If tee-times are fully booked off the #1 tee for the day, golfers starting play on #4 & #10 will not be able to play 18-holes


Unfortunately, accidents happen on the golf course.  The prevalent understanding within the golfing community and at Shannon Lake is that the golfer who hits an errant shot is ultimately responsible for all damage their ball may cause.

Ideally, the golfer who hit the errant shot will be able to coordinate cost recovery with the affected party and they can come to a mutual agreement.  If this is not possible, the golf shop will assist in the following way;

a. staff will make every attempt to identify the golfer and coordinate the transfer of contact information for all parties involved

b. if damage occurs to property or a vehicle NOT on Shannon Lake property, the golf course assumes no responsibility or liability

c. if damage occurs to a motor vehicle parked on Shannon Lake property

     i. a staff member will do a visual inspection of the vehicle to confirm the damage

     ii. give the customer contact information for the General Manager and inform him/her that the course will pay up to $250 towards the deductible for the damage to the car

     iii. the customer must have the car repaired before any payment is made towards the deductible

Please note there is an incident insurance program included with your Golf Canada membership that assists if an errant shot causes property damage. Visit for more information.


a. Only Shareholders have the opportunity of operating private carts on the course

b. Private carts are NOT able to be stored on golf course property

c. All members must obey all cart rules and signage

d. Keep carts on paths where available and around greens and tees

     i. Keep all 4 tires on the cart path and avoid pulling onto the turf

e. Keep carts on paths on all par 3’s

f. On fairways, always drive on healthy looking grass

     i. Avoid driving on worn, thin or soggy turf

g. Only carts with the proper handicap flag designation will be able to deviate from our general cart rules


a. All members are required to take proper care of the golf course

b. For walkers, please walk on healthy turf and avoid thin, worn areas

c. Divots in fairways must be replaced or divot mix must be used to fill the divot

d. All ball marks on greens must be repaired

e. Bunkers must be raked after play


a. If you’re fortunate enough to make a hole in one at Shannon Lake, you will have your name added onto the hole-in-one plaque kept in the clubhouse.

b. In addition, ALL members, shareholder non-members and frequent players at our facility will receive a personalized hole-in-one trophy

c. Hole-in-one must be scored from permanent tees and on permanent greens to be eligible for hole-in-one trophy


a. To accommodate the maximum number of members and visitors, all golfers must tee off in foursomes during busy periods.

b. The golf shop reserves the right to fit in single players if any group does not have a complete foursome

c. No morning 9-hole players are allowed to start play from the 1st tee until after 11:00am. 9-hole play prior to 11:00am will be offered by way of our B9 breakfast special which runs from Thursday – Sunday off the 10th tee.

d. Players encountering maintenance staff and equipment during their round must give right of way and yield to the staff and maintenance equipment.


a. Please be mindful of all those in your vicinity when using your cell phone.

b. Non-verbal use (text, email) is preferred over voice. Set ringers to silent or vibrate.

c. If a voice call is necessary, find an area that allows discreet and non-disruptive use.

d. Members are required to ensure that their guests comply fully with this policy.


a. Music can be played on the golf course if the entire foursome agrees, and with the understanding that it will be turned down immediately if requested to do so by anyone on the golf course.


a. It is the requirement of every member wishing to play in club competitions to keep an accurate handicap

b. all scores must be entered into the Golf Canada handicap system within 24 hours of play

G:  General Clubhouse & On-Course Policies

By accepting membership into the Shannon Lake Golf Club, all members agree to conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner.  There are a number of specific policies we have put in place to help us achieve this goal.

No member/guest is allowed to;

  • use profanity or verbally abuse other members, guests or staff
  • verbally reprimand a staff member
  • make inappropriate comments to other members, guests or staff
  • touch another member, guest or staff in an inappropriate way
  • disregard serving advice with respect to consuming alcohol
  • bring personal alcohol onto golf course property (BC Liquor laws stipulate that all alcohol must be purchased from the Shannon Lake Golf Club and coolers may be checked at staff member’s discretion)

Unruly behavior is unacceptable and any member or guest found to be in breach of any of our general clubhouse policies may be asked to leave the facility.

H:  Enforcement & Discipline

Any shareholder, member or guest who is in violation of any of our membership policies will be asked to comply immediately. If the appropriate steps are not undertaken immediately to the satisfaction of the Shannon Lake Golf Club Management Team or their designate, the individual(s) will be required to leave the property immediately. There will be no refund of any paid fees.

If the offending individual is a shareholder / member of the Shannon Lake Golf Club, disciplinary action such as suspension of playing privileges may be imposed based on direction from our Board of Directors.

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